Toram Online: Newbie Guides

The game is fun if you know how to stick through it so here's a comprehensive tip list to further help you newer players. I do tell you quite a lot to reference (insert sources for example) and you definitely should. There's a lot you won't find here that you will need to know later on but not quite right now.

Current Toram Meta makes it hard on you new players to do much of anything past MQ. What i mean by current Meta is that the game is setup in such a way that if you don't start the right way you're gonna struggle for a bit.

Here's some helpful newbie guides

1. Start the game with a tank. Why? 

Well it's not that you have to, but, like i said current Toram Meta. Going in depth, you finish mq, now what? explore, go back and smite bosses that annoyed you, farm mobs? Sure.

 But what about that lvl cap? leveling up to party with other higher lvl players to smite newer bosses for drops, gear, xtals, etc.(this includes better stuff to farm and sell). My point, you finish mq and now you need to grind.

If you're new then you don't have tier 4 weapon skills(don't worry about this right now, youll get there!). Level grinding after mq is a planned out system(which you can easily find here on the forum). Youre gonna have to party up with other players for this new system and they only want DPS players with TIER 4 damage.

There are some exceptions. You could be a lure for those parties(look it up), you could leech(good luck), or someones nice enough to assist level grinding(they wont always be on for you). What these parties do need from you dear new player that matters not for tier 4 is a nice beefy meat shield.

That's right a tank!

It's in demand, why? The games real name is DPS online.

Your best bet for a starting class right now is a tank :3 Now with that tank after MQ, grind it out to Lv150 through the bosses in parties that actually want you all in order to obtain those coveted tier 4 skills. Now you can make the dps, luk, whatever character you want to and go do massive damage with it and people will want those in parties as well.

Hate your tank? fine that's ok, it's useful but i suppose you used it for your purposes. There are plenty of reasons to keep it though, including emblem challenges.

2. How do I build my character? 

Well don't worry about this much, there are plenty of builds to reference, just look them up and don't think you have to follow those to a T.

Change it up, add your own uniqueness to a build or just reference them for ideas on what to do with yours.

There's plenty of material on the forum and even youtube to cross reference. Put a stat point or skill point in the wrong spot? don't worry about it too much. Odds are when you hit cap you would have had some extra skill points you didnt know where to put anyway.

Don't stress your build so much! remember to have fun with it and there are ways to reset a character without losing your progress. Free reset(very rare), Orbs(save em all for resets in orb shop).

3. Do i need xtals/crystas, which ones and how to get them?

No. Don't worry about this until you have a well rounded lvl cap character that can party up for these or have farmed so much you're sick but rich.

4. This game is impossible without help! 

I agree :3 It's do-able but really really hard. Know your in game language: LFG=looking for guild, LFP=looking for party, LFM=looking for member. You get the gist of that if you didn't already. You see things in chat like finale or storm or full(insert whatever) don't worry about those.

That's experienced DPS spammers and lucky glass fairies(you'll understand that at some point). What you do need to focus on is if you're having trouble with your MQ, watch out for LFP MQ in chat. Other help can be found in a guild(JOIN ONE).

You can apply to many here on the forum(the guild im in included, check us out! "Sleeping Forest"). With a guild you get benefits like "free" mercenaries. This is important as in example if you join a pretty prominent guild you can finish whole mq and take down most mini bosses with a good merc at your side.

Did i mention they're free? Plus most guilds are more than willing to help where needed if at all they can and answer most if not all of your questions, mine included. Back to referencing the forum, do it! like a lot, seriously. You can find just about if not everything you need to know about a boss here including drops, weaknesses and attack patterns.

5. How do i get better gear without being rich? 

My advise, you don't need it for at least mq if you followed my tips about the merc or guild or party help. So wait til after when you're ready to grind. If you haven't already stumbled upon some decent gear somehow now you can go craft some at the blacksmith pertaining to your level and you didnt waste all of your mats(materials) going back and forth trying to make better gear every few quests throughout the story.

No, it isn't the best gear but it will get you through for awhile until you can either player craft your own good stuff (unlikely you'll know about this for awhile, also not too important) or you can check chat in sofya and also the cb(consignment board) for gear with stats pertaining to your class needs(can be found on forum if you don't know) that isn't too pricey because someones discarding it for their new meta gear.

6. How can i make a decent amount of spina? 

I'm not gonna go too in depth on this as there are plenty of guides on this to be found. One tip i will tell you is save your late game boss drops and check the cb if it's worth anything. Odds are it is :3 Also if you get something trade-able from your daily potum darts that isnt just a health potion, check that's price too.

Lastly the tried and tried and true way. Remember that Minotaur from the ruins? Go kill him a lot, like a lot, over and over and over. Get stacks on stacks of his skin. Either turn those into anti-deg potions through the "Proof of Courage" quest from Lefina near cb in sofya OR just sell the skins. It's a fair bit of profit.

7. The forums.

This is your best friend for Toram. Use it, abuse it(gently) and study it to your hearts content.
