Toram Online: Mage DPS Build

Toram Online DPS Mage Build

Although arrow mage also good as dps, I personally prefer MD as sub weap since it gives cspd and additional mp recovery – resonance. As a result, you may shoot third finale if u have 2k mp and being able to reach 1k cspd easier. However, it is true that book of magic warrior is too expensive ^^; (Well, this build itself is expensive though)

Mage DPS Build Status:

From the title, you should know is Int Dex Vit. The rules of thumb are:

  • Full int: Dps is a must for dps build.
  • Vit: until your hp reach at least 10k with all buffs you can get
  • Rest Dex
  • Mp reach 2k with all buffs you have​

Some maybe interested on crt instead of dex but dps becomes even lower according to my experiment.

Mage DPS Build Skills:

Magic skill

  1. Impact lv7: Great mp saver
    1. Finale lv10: Main dps
    2. Burst lv10: Gonna be important as a self-defense skill
    3. Mp charge lv10 and Maximizer lv10: mp recovery skill
    4. Magic Mastery: Replaced with star gem, matk up
    5. Javalin lv10: Useful debuff skill, highly recommended
  2. Shoot skill
    1. Sneak attack lv10: Replaced with star gem, aggro from finale is no kidding
  3. Survival skill
    1. Max Hp Up lv10: for reducing the amount of vit needed
    2. Max Mp Up lv10: needed for reaching 2k mp
  4. Battle skill
    1. Magic UP lv10: Matk up
    2. Increased Energy lv10: Matk up
    3. Spell Burst lv10: Finale critical hit… dream of a mage xD
  5. Magic Blade
    1. Magic Warrior Mastery lv10: Good additional matk and cspd
    2. Resonance lv10: Third finale!
  6. Support skill
    1. First Aid lv10: Replaced with star gem, useful when someone dead
    2. Recovery lv10: at least go lv1, debuff in Toram is becoming more fatal now
    3. Brave Aura lv10: not a must, but good to have high dmg
    4. High Cycle lv10: useful if you have burst
  7. Dual wield skill
    1. Reflex lv1: good combo starter
  8. Martial skill
    1. Sonic wave lv10: highly recommended, Replaced with star gem
    2. Smash lv10: sometime useful but can be replaced by javelin (unless sub knuck), Replaced with star gem
    3. Bash lv10: useful if you are not shield mage like me, Replaced with star gem
You may replace recovery and high cycle with GSW. I removed that because I cannot bear the reduction of survive ability and the reduction of mp (although can be solved with sdm xtal but prefer more dmg after finale nerf)

Mage DPS Build Equip

Xtal with bracket is for 2s equip only

  1. Dmg set:
    1. M7%I7%ToElement14% staff 
    2. Sub: High refine Md
    3. M7%I7%Aggro-10%
    4. Devil hood
    5. Black knight amulet
  2. Crt set: sometime you need crt for poration, stun, tumble for high difficulty boss (usually not for spell burst)
    1. Lil empress staff (from loli empress) 
    2. Sub: Vulcan shield / knuckles
    3. M7%C16
    4. Witch hat
    5. Black knight amulet

Mage DPS Build Buffs:

  1. Potions
    1. Vita add III (Hp+1500): Useful and easy hunt with luk mage
    2. Tranquilizers (Hp+1000): No problem for luk hb
    3. Magic add II (Mp+200): Efficiency for III is not very good so II instead
    4. Monster pot (Matk +40 & +4%): Useful and better hunt with luk hb
    5. Spell headphones (Cpsd+700): No need if you reach 1k already
    6. Giga speed potion (Aspd+750): For boss solo, Poration
    7. War dead bracelet (Accuracy+60): For boss solo, Poration
  2. Cooking
    1. Hp+2600 (lv6)
    2. Mp+300 (lv5)
    3. Aggro-30% (lv5)
    4. Crt+10 (lv5)
Still can’t decide weep atk or physical resist

Mage DPS Build Combo:

if you are sure that you will use finale only:
  1. impact -> finale (smite) -> smash

if you may use burst:

Burst combo (To be honest, I don’t think instant cast is a must as I get used to storm mage timing. Therefore, 0.5 sec is good enough):

  1. Initialize (without high cycle): sonic wave -> javelin (save) -> impact (swift)
  2. Initialize (with high cycle): sonic wave -> impact (save) -> smash
  3. Dmg combo: impact -> burst (smite) -> finale (smite)
  4. Finale combo: reflex -> impact (cons) -> finale (smite) -> smash
