Laplace M: Tales of Wind List of All Gold Card and Red Card

There are several types of card in the Laplace M and the most valuable is the Gold Card and the Red Card. In this guide, you’ll be able to know all of the available cards in the game including the least valuable. Having a powerful card in Laplace M will give you a lot of BR to conquer the arena and monsters in the game.

Gold and Red Card are end-game item and it is recommended to max-out the enhance of the card. These cards can also refine to change the default effect of the card, you can see the top BR rating of the card on the list.


We’ve also added level 2 and 3 cards below.

Red Card

The red card has a maximum enhance level of 15. Currently, we only found 2 card in the game so far.
CardCard Type

Goldy Sakura II
Transform into Goldy Sakura for 20 sec. Recovers HP to full upon transformation and changes skill to Goldy Sakura’s exclusive skill:

Goldy Sakura’s Protection – Generates a protective shield (45% of Max HP) that lasts for 8 seconds.
Cooldown: 12 sec.

Goldy Sakura Attack – Summons giant cherry blossoms to attack enemies within the specified area, dealing damage equal to 872% of Attack.
Cooldown: 5 sec.

Goldy Sakura Burial of Flowers – Throws giant cherry blossoms to the front, dealing AoE damage equal to 915% of Attack.
Cooldown: 10 sec.

Random Effect:
HP + (1400 to 1500)
HP + (3000 to 3100)
Agi + (8 to 10)
Weapon Card

Top BR Rating: 5556

Ember Beholder II
Beholder Turret – Damage-dealing skill. Summons a Beholder Turret to attack enemies in the front, dealing damage equal to a maximum of 600% Attack + 15780 over a period of 20 sec.
Cost: 60 MP, Cooldown: 50 sec

Random Effect:
STR + (10 to 50)
Attack + (30 to 40)
VIT + (5 to 10)
All Attr + (10 to 20)
AGI + (5 to 10)

Top BR Rating: 4948

Maple Bear II
Bear’s Will – Defense skill. Increases Defense by 15% and block chance by 15%, as well as receives a shield that can block incoming damage equal to 12% of Max HP for 12 sec.
Cost: 60 MP, Cooldown: 35 sec

Random Effect:
AGI + (5 to 10)
HP + (1500 to 4000)

Yuni II
Random Effect:
Life Steal Rate + 2.0%
HP + 2%
Crit Rate + (1.0%)
Attack + (20 to 100)
All Attr + (5 to 20)

Nora II
Random Effect:
Life Steal Rate + 2%
Crit Rate + (1.0%)
Attack + (20 to 50)
All Attr + (5 to 20)

Drogo Khal
Summon Wyrm – Damage-dealing skill. Summons a wyrm that lasts for 20 sec to attack enemies in the front, dealing damage equal to 800% Attack + 8144.
Cost: 60 MP, Cooldown: 50 sec

Random Effect:
Attack + (5 to 50)
All Attr + (5 to 15)

Random Effect:
DMG x +2.0%
Accuracy +1.0%
HP + 1.0%

Top BR Rating: 5024

Random Effect:
Block Chance + 2.0%
Defense + (35 to 45)

Top BR Rating: 2738

Gold Card

The maximum enhance level of the gold card is up to 12 and these cards can be obtained from the quest in the game. These cards randomly grant 2 to 5 effects when refine or by its initial card effect.
CardEffectsCard Type

Transform into Choco Chief for 20 sec. Recovers HP to full upon transformation and changes skill to Choco Chief’s exclusive skill:

Choco Attack – Throws phantom balls to the front, dealing AoE damage equal to 318 of Attack.
Cooldown: 5 sec.

Fire Tornado – Summons three Choco to generate fire tornadoes, deal AoE damage equal to 763% of Attack.
Cooldown: 10 sec.

Random Effect:
Cat Level +1

Top BR Rating: 2658

Orange Cat
Transform into Orange cat for 20 sec. Recovers full HP to full upon transformation and changes skill to Orange Cat’s exclusive skill:

Orange Cat Fish Explosion – Throws fish at enemies, dealing 430% damage and stunning targets for 3 sec.
Cooldown: 6 sec.

Orange Cat Lightning Harpoon – Attacks targets with an 8-hit cumbo, dealing damage to 430% of Attack.
Cooldown: 4 sec.

Random Effect:
Orange Cat Level +1

Top BR Rating: 2706

Adventurer Raccoon
Transforms into Adventurer Raccoon for 20 sec. Recovers HP to full upon transformation and changes skill to Adventurer Raccoon’s exclusive skill:

Slash of Seven Stars – Slashes enemies within the specified area, dealing damage equal to 321% of Attack for 10 sec.
Cooldown: 10 sec.

Resolute Dash – Releases a sword aura to the front, dealing AoE damage equal to 963% of Attack for 8 sec.
Cooldown: 8 sec.

Top BR Rating: 2612

Heal – Recovery skill. Recovers HP by (8% to Max HP + 616).
Cost: 120MP, Cooldown: 30 sec.

Heal Level +1

Top BR Rating: 2638

Death Ray – Damage-dealing skill. Deals damage equal to 419% Attack +2864 to enemies in the front and decreases their movement speed by 50% for 5 sec.
Cost: 60 MP, Cooldown: 30 sec.

Random Effect:
Death Ray Level +1

Top BR Rating: 2620

Random Effect:
Life Steal + (100 to 105)
Final Damage + (50 to 55)

Top BR Rating: 3631

Random Effect:
Crit Rate + 1.0%
Attack + (15 to 20)

Top BR Rating: 3624

Random Effect:
Final Damage + (45 to 55)
DMG x + 1.0%

Top BR Rating: 3280

Plains Flower Fairy
Random Effect:
HP + (540 to 660)
AGI + (9 to 11)
All Attr + (9 to 11)
STR + (9 to 11)
VIT + (9 to 11)
Attack + (9 to 11)
Defense + (18 to 22)

Top BR Rating: 1976

Mana Fruit
Random Effect:
(To be updated…)

Sakura II
Transform Sakura for 20 seconds. Recovers HP to full upon transformation and changes skill to Sakura’s exclusive skill.

Sakura’s Protection – Generates a protective shield (45% of Max HP) that lasts for 8 sec.
Cooldown: 12 sec.

Sakura Attack – Summons giant cherry blossoms to attack enemies within the specified area, dealing damage equal to 755%.
Cooldown: 4 sec.

Top BR Rating: 4122

Ogree Lerr II
Transform into Ogree Lerr for 20 sec. Recovers HP to full upon transformation and changes skill to Ogre Lerr’s exclusive skill:

Ogree Lerr Roar – Roars to the front, dealing AoE damage equal to 900% of Attack.
Cooldown: 8 sec.

Ogree Lerr Whirlwind Palm – Spins and attacks surrounding enemies, dealing damage equal to 1080% of Attack.
Cooldown: 10 sec.

Random Effect:
Attack + (15 to 30)

Top BR Rating: 4144

Plains Goblin II
Random Effect:
Healing Done + (2% to 5%)
All Attr + (10 to 50)
STR + (5 to 20)
AGI + (5 to 20)
HP + (1000 to 4000)

Forest Goblin II
Random Effect:
Healing Received + (2% to 5%)
All Attr + (10 to 20)
AGI + (5 to 20)
HP + (1%)

Nightmare Emissary
Attack Totem – Support skill. Summons Tree Totem, increasing Attack by 200 and Crit Rate by 4% for allies within range for 12 seconds.
Cost: 120 MP, Cooldown: 35 sec.

Recommended Classes: Warrior and Cleric.

Random Effect:
HP + (500 to 3500)
AGI + (5 to 20)
All Attr (5 to 20)
STR + (5 to 20)
VIT + (5 to 20)

Frosty Ace Goat II
Random Effect:
DMG x + 2%

Stardust II
Random Effect:
Physical Dodge +2%
Attack + (25 to 35)

Romani II
Divine Forbidden Land – Damage-dealing skill. Deals damage equal to 179% Attack + 1832 over time to enemies within range and decreases their healing received by 80% for 6 sec.
Cost: 60 MP, Cooldown: 35 sec.

Random Effect:
Defense + (30 to 120)

Arclight II
Random Effect:
AGI + (1% to 2%)
WIL + (1% to 2%)
Attack + (10 to 100)
AGI + (10 to 30)
All Attr + (5 to 20)

Gildan II
Random Effect:
STR + (1% to 2%)
INT + (1% to 2%)
All Attr + (5 to 20)
Attack + (10 to 100)
STR + (10 to 30)

Luna III
Random Effect:
Crit DMG + 3%

Flaming Shroom III
Random Effect:
Damage-dealing skill.
Explodes after 5 seconds, dealing damage equal to 419% Attack +11046 to surrounding enemies.

Purple Card

Not an end-game item, but this help if you don’t have Gold or Red Card for your equipment. Level II purple cards grants 1 to 4 random effects.
CardEffectsCard Type

Winter Dryad II
Random Effect:
Final Damage + (55 to 65)

Maple Bear II
Random Effect:
Defense skill. Increases Defense by (4% + 160) and receives a shield that can block incoming damage equal to (6% of Max HP + 1140) for 12 seconds.

Dark Crystal II
Random Effect:
Final Damage Reduction + (55 to 65)

Tricia III
Transform into Tricia for 20 sec. Recovers HP to full upon transformation and changes skill to Tricia’s exclusive skill:Weapon

Goblin Shaman III
Support skill. Summons Defense Totem, Increasing Defense by 400 and Dodge Rate by 4% for allies within range for 12 sec.

Recommended Classes: Warrior and Cleric

Wind Strider III
Random Effect:
AGI + (95 to 105)

Dreadmaw Bear III
Random Effect:
VIT + (95 to 105)

Blue Card

Not an end-game item, but this help if you don’t have Gold or Red Card for your equipment. Level II and Level III cards grants 0 to 2 random effects.
CardEffectsCard Type

Dora Raccoon II
Attack 27-33

Random Effect:
Random Attributes
Required Level: 45

Magic Raccoon II
HP 840 to 990
Defense 27 to 33

Random Effect:
Random Attributes
Required Level: 45

Hero Raccoon III
Attack 42 to 48

Random Effect:
Random Attributes
Required Level: 65

Ninetail Raccoon III
HP: 1260 to 1440
Defense: 42 to 48

Random Effect:
Random Attributes
Required Level: 65
That’s for now, this is a developing guide. Please check back for more updates as the game is in the early stage.
